
Posts Tagged ‘candle lite dinner’

Yesterday, March 29, 2008 between 8 pm – 9 pm “Earth Hour” was celebrated. More about Earth hour can be read here.

How did i celebrate? We had candle lite dinner. It was fun, remember olden days when we did not have electricity in Chennai then Madras during theĀ evenings esp. when having dinner or watching an important program on the TV or studying for an exam. It was nostalgia. DH was happy to see me use all those pretty candles i have been buying for display purposes. DD was not sure why the house was not well lit and was little uncomfortable if left alone.

All said, i enjoyed it for sometime but kept checking the clock often to switch on the lights. Definitely would do this more often and i want to have a Internet less day, no hour but a day is what i want!

How did you celebrate?


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